2025 Events:
​​​​Seabreeze Jazz Festival 4/23 - 4/27
LA Wine Fest 5/31 - 6/1
One Music Fest Atlanta - TBD
Los Angeles Taste of Soul 10/18
LV City of Lights Jazz and R&B - TBD
Long Beach Jazz Festival - TBD
Gardena Jazz Festival - TBD
Past Events:
​​​​Seabreeze Jazz Festival
One Music Fest - Atlanta
Los Angeles Taste of Soul
San Diego Jazz
City of Lights Jazz and R&B
Long Beach Jazz Festival
Long Beach/Fountain Valley Crawfish Fest
Long Beach/Fountain Valley Lobster Fest
Inglewood Super Bowl Music Fest
Newport Beach Jazz
Gardena Jazz Festival
Oxnard Jazz Festival
Watermelon Festival
Strawberry Festival
Riverside Jazz Festival
Inland Empire Jazz Festival
Steel City Jazz
Past Events:
Monterey Jazz
Wings Over North GA Air Show​​​​
Hueneme Beach Music Festival
Atlanta Dogwood Festival
Reggae In The Dessert
Adams Avenue Sand Diego Fest
December Nights San Diego
Great American Foodie Festival
Forsythia Festival
Black Market Flea
Pirate Invasion
Love Long Beach Music Festival
Venice Beach Fest
Black On The Block
Fiesta LaBallona
Soulful Summer Nights
Bringing the Sea To the Spring

California Fish Market
2025 Schedule

Hot Water Cornbread21-JulLos Angeles, CAConfirmed Black Market Flea27-JulLos Angeles, CAConfirmed Black on the Block28-JulLos Angeles, CAApplied HARD SummerAug 5-6Los Angeles, CAInsomniac Application Long Beach Jazz FestivalAug 11-13Long Beach, CAConfirmed Carson FamFest24-AugCarson, CAApplied Atlanta Wine & Jazz24-AugAtlanta, GAConfirmed Hot Water CornbreadAug TBDLos Angeles, CA Black Market FleaAug TBDLos Angeles, CA Black on the BlockAug TBDLos Angeles, CA Pure Heat Community FestivalSep-01Atlanta, GAApplied-CC provided Reunion FestSep-01Riverside, CAWill Apply I Love RnBSep-07Los Angeles, CAApproved - Plan to cancel Lobster FestivalSep 6-8Long Beach, CAApplied Lobster FestivalSep 6-8Fountain Valley, CA? Michael to talk to Troy Lovejoy Music FestivalSep-11Lovejoy, GA Oxnard FestivalSep 14-15Oxnard, CANo go Music MidtownSep 16-27Atlanta, GA Seafood & BBQ21-SepRiverdale, GAApplied Carson Jazz FestivalOct-05Carson, CAWill be Confirmed Taste of SoulOct-19Los Angeles, CAConfirmed